Please allow 1-2 business days for processing once your order is placed, regardless of shipping option selected. Kindly note the shipping transit estimates provided do not include processing time of your order.
- Free USPS First Class Shipping for all U.S. Orders.
- Free USPS First Class Shipping for International Orders.
- Free Express UPS Worldwide shipping for International orders over $150.
- All standard deliveries within the United States are shipped for Free via USPS First Class Shipping. On average, we advise to allow 3 to 5 business days transit time for delivery, which does not include the processing period before dispatch.
- Domestic purchases have the option of Express shipping via USPS Priority (1 to 3 business days) for a flat rate of $6.
- All Standard International deliveries are shipped for Free via United States Postal Service® First Class Shipping. On average, we advise to allow 7 to 21 business days transit time for delivery depending on the destination.
- International purchases under $100, have the option of Express shipping via UPS Worldwide (1 to 3 business days) for a flat rate of $25.
- We offer Free UPS Worldwide (1 to 3 business days) Shipping for all international orders over $100.
Customs policies vary from country to country. All applicable fees, taxes and duties are your responsibility.
A confirmation email with tracking information will be emailed to you once the package is in transit.
Processing and transit time applies to business days Monday through Friday excluding weekends and bank holidays. For International Shipping, transit time is also valid pending normal customs clearance. This can vary for each location due to international transfer and clearance processes.
If the address provided is found to be incomplete / insufficient for delivery, or the package is unclaimed and returned to sender, the buyer will be responsible for additional shipping charges.
A signature may be required for delivery via Express shipping methods.
All our packages are insured. If a package is delayed, lost while in transit, or a question arises regarding the facts of delivery, we will make all efforts to recover the package. A search query or research case will be opened to initiate the recovery process, which can take up to 30 business days for proper investigation. Upon resolution of the research case, if the package is unable to be located, a replacement will be issued for the product(s).
If a Duty or Tax is applicable, a local UPS or Customs representative will contact you via the phone number or email address provided when your order was placed to arrange for completion of payment. If the Duty/Tax representative is unable to reach you, they will contact us and we will reach out via the email address provided to clarify the matter. If the Duty/Tax is unpaid, your package may be forfeited or destroyed. We are not responsible for forfeited or destroyed packages due to unpaid Duties/Taxes.
Please email our online support team for any further questions at